Monday, December 5, 2011

Rania Salem Manganaro

About Michael.  I don't have any particular memories to share that are any different than the ones that you [Lisa Salem] might remember.  For example, going to his house on Halloween after Thomas burned his foot...or his true care and compassion towards me while I was experiencing my unfounded fears while canoeing.  The treasure of receiving a series of golden paged encyclopedia books.  Tales of faraway lands.  

Most importantly though, I'd like to emphasize the lasting impact Michael had on me (and Anthony and Thomas) through the fact that when I think about him I am overcome with the largest swell of warmth, joy, and trust.  The rarest thing is that Michael, as an adult, treasured us (Anthony, Thomas, and Rania) as--what seemed to us like---friends.  I always remember thinking of Michael as an owl.  This wise and powerful force, sometimes cooky and awe-inspiring, but a staple to our household.  The ease, pace, and patience to which he carried himself has left a lasting affect on me.  As I grew older I began to realize that these qualities are rare for adults.  Maybe growing up I didn't even see Michael as an adult...but just..."a michael".  And I continued to see all those qualities, with Pam and Alex and Jacob throughout our time together.  I think when kids are growing up, one of the greatest tragedies is a lack of encouragement and acknowledgment of fears...but Michael would come over to play with us, or read with us, and open our minds in one way or another testing and encouraging the boundaries of a our imagination (obliterating any fears of "failure").  Michael.  Adventures.  Storytelling.  FUN!  And look at us now.  Anthony, Thomas, and I's most important qualities sometimes seem to be those that were nurtured by Michael.  This urgency to play and explore and ultimately EXPERIENCE LIFE...FULLY.  Take it in and love it...all the details...from the grand stories to the little birds in the trees.  These are the things that shape people.  And I treasure it.

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Thank you for sharing your memories of Michael.