Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Tomoe Mull

Dear Michael,

I hope you are at ease in God's love and peace.
As you lay in His care, Don and I are thinking of you and remembering the happy times
that we shared together as a family.
When you lived in Highland Park, Pam held a women's meeting and it was there that I met
you for the first time.
When you lived in Hightstown, you invited our family to celebrate God's Day together in
the afternoon.  I will never forget the delicious meal that you had prepared for us. I
have always remembered your sweet potato casserole with pineapple, which I try to make
every Thanksgiving, but can never quite get to taste exactly the same.  You were an
amazing cook and host.  Your son Jacob was so cute and was also a good host to ask
everyone about what we needed.
 I also remember when  we took a walk together at Rutger's Gardens.  You had a very
smart dog (sorry I forgot her name).  I was amazed at how she fetched the log that you
threw in the pond and was able to bring it back to you so quickly.  I thought to myself,
how untrained my own dog Angel was, and marveled at how incredibly clever and well
trained you had taught your dog. After that, a student who had recognized you, approached
us. The young man clearly respected you and recalled your class with admiration. It was
then that I realized you were a great teacher, whether it was training your dog, or
engaging students within a classroom.
Two summers ago, when True Parents spoke at the Manhattan Center, Don and I had the
privilege of having you and Pam stay at our house in New Jersey. It was at this time that
we were finally able to get to know each other more. You shared many stories about how
your father was a missionary to India and about your interest in nature and humanity. We
were able to grow closer together as a family and I will always look back on these
memories with fondness and my deepest affections.
May God be with you and bless your family always. We love you.

Donald and Tomoe Mull

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Thank you for sharing your memories of Michael.